
Ny teknologi för sjuktransporter

Desinfektionsljus-teknologin är den perfekta lösningen för att transportera passagerare i en säker miljö. Dessa designades från början för att enkelt installeras i ambulanser och skydda patienter. enheterna kan installeras på samma sätt i alla andra fordon och kan användas i kollektivtrafiken.

Flygplatser och tågstationer

Pandemin har haft en förödande inverkan på flygplatser och tågstationer. Sektorn är i ett stort behov av lösningar för att minska risken för infektion och öka förtroendet bland passagerare. Användningen av bakterie och virusdödande desinfektionsljus ses som den effektivaste lösningen på grund av dess effektivitet för att döda bakterier och dess lämplighet att användas i miljöer där det finns en hög genomströmning av människor.

Buss & kollektivtrafik

Flera transportföretag har anammat teknologin för att skydda sina passagerare. I synnerhet i USA tillkännagav företaget Baron Bus installationen av dessa lampor i augusti 2020. Ett år senare släppte den regionala regeringen i South Carolina en förfrågan om anbud och sökte förslag från leverantörer som var intresserade av att tillhandahålla desinfektionsljus-teknologin för kollektivtrafik och offentliga skolor. För närvarande finns det 331 skolbussar med desinfektionsljus teknologin i 5 skoldistrikt.

Waiting rooms

Aerosolised pathogens, such as coronavirus and influenza, are released through breathing. Hospital waiting rooms are populated environments where it is challenging to comply with safe social distances. Infection controls rely thus on the use of protective equipment and personal hygiene, both dependent on human behaviour. Far UV-C light has been identified as an efficient method to decrease the microbiological burden in closed spaces*, and it is suitable to operate in the presence of people.

UV222 lamps are installed at Aarhus University Hospital, in the waiting room of the Lung department to protect patients with respiratory diseases.

Virologists from Aarhus University measured significantly lower levels of bacteria when the lamps were switched on.

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Patient rooms

Strict cleaning procedures are implemented in hospital rooms to prevent the transmissions, not only among patients, but also among medical personnel. In particular, for COVID-19 patients the risk of infection is critical.

The Danish hospital Kolding Sygehus has taken a step forward and has installed UV222 lamps in the COVID-19 ward*. The aim of the project is to protect medical staff working with COVID-19 patients. The lamps have been installed in the entire COVID ward of the hospital, from patients’ rooms to the staff’s shared workstations and break rooms.

Operating rooms

Far UV-C light can optimise environmental hygiene, including operating rooms. It will not replace manual cleaning and disinfection with chemicals, but it has a place in health care settings. The effect of this radiation has been studied in an operating room resulting in decreased pathogens that could potentially cause infection*.

Dental care

Dental clinics could benefit from UV222 lamps to prevent transmission of viruses and bacteria. Be-sides potential cross-contamination through surfaces, a close distance between doctor and patient is unavoidable in dental care, being thus an especially vulnerable environment with high risk of infection*.

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Environmental cleaning is key to increase safety

Many factors are involved in the cleaning process of healthcare settings and the pandemic has raised more concerns about the efficacy of current disinfection approaches, unveiling a need for optimization. Nowadays, a lot of efforts are invested to improve hospital staff compliance with environmental cleaning behaviour. Passive disinfection, such as Far UV-C light, can help reach higher disinfection levels without adding any extra work to the process. Far UV-C disinfection can be seamlessly integrated with the environmental cleaning program of any hospital.